Hello friends,
If you’re new here, bienvenidos. I hope you’ll consider staying and subscribing.
Welcome to another FriMonTuesday. Is it Friday? How can you tell? I don’t know. The calendar tells me it’s Friday, so here I am with Mexican Heaven Fridays. Fridays are going to be about protecting our joy, so every week I’ll be writing odes to objects, artifacts, people, and places that definitely have a place in my Heaven.
I don’t know about y’all, but joy hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind. Fury has been at the forefront of my mind as I reflect on the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. For those of you feeling angry, I’m with you. Here are some readings that have been helpful to me in considering anger as a tool:
Prayer for the Man Who Mugged My Father, 72 by Charles Harper Webb: I know some of us have some prayers like this for some people
Slightly off-topic, but always on time: Tou Thao and the Myths of Asian American Solidarity by Jay Caspian Kang: I think there are some important lessons that those of us who identify as non-Black Latinx can take from this reflection. Often my first instinct is to say that we must speak to our own communities and families about how anti-Blackness spreads through our lives. And I don’t think that it’s entirely wrong. However, I am wary of any language that splits Latinx people into groups. In this case groups of good Latinx people examining anti-Blackness and groups of bad Latinx people not examining anti-Blackness. I am wary of this language because it lets some of us off the hook. Or it shifts the blame on the shoulders of whoever these “bad” Latinx people are. I think we need to reckon with the ways that global white supremacy has robbed our various homelands, our various indigenous communities, and we need to understand that by aiding white supremacy, we are supporting our own destruction. I’m trying my best to be clear, but I’m not sure I’m getting there yet. Maybe I’ll write more about this soon.
For those of you who have an excess of joy, I have some links for you, too:
In all seriousness, please donate to your local bail bonds if you are able to.
Today’s entry into Mexican Heaven is my own handiwork. You caught a glimpse in the photo that leads this newsletter, but let me run it back.

Do you see this work of art? That, my friends, is a window AC unit that I installed today with my very own hands. I know some of you may have some questions, so let’s get to it.
Inner Hater: Yes, José, long time listener, first time caller. Is that AC Unit supposed to be tilted like that? Because it looks kind of dangerous…
Answer: It’s probably not supposed to be tilted like that. It’s not dangerous because I screwed everything into place, but no, I wouldn’t say it’s a perfect job. I wouldn’t even call it a mediocre job.
Inner Hater: It looks like there is a lot of space for the cold air to get out. Will this AC unit even be functional?
Answer: Listen: this was my first time using a power drill. I had to google what a drill chuck key was just to be able to do any of this. It’s a miracle I didn’t injure myself or any innocent people while installing this AC unit. I’ll take a victory where I can get it.
A lot of this week sucked. I felt powerful while installing this window AC unit. The AC unit I installed isn’t perfect, but it’s cooling the room that I’m sitting in right now, and I’m proud that it was a little bit of my own work that made it possible. I’m holding onto that joy and that power even though I’m a bootlegged Tim The Toolman Taylor when it comes to home repairs.
Take good care of yourselves,
Thank you for this José! Especially those readings. Btw that is honestly a better install than what I'd probably manage.